The CORE Podcast

Whole-Life Success Principles from CORE Leadership

Enjoy this limited-series podcast to explore tools & frameworks used by entrepreneurs and thought leaders to grow themselves personally and professionally.  Join Susan Mayginnes Howard, founder of CORE Leadership Circle, and various members from the 2019-2020 community for entertaining, educational, and thoughtful conversations on life, business, fulfillment, success and joy.  Each 25-40 minute episode will provide food for thought, leaving you inspired and ready to explore your own whole-life success factors. Individual shows & notes can be found below.

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Episode 1

Creating Islands of Sanity

The opportunity you have to create the life & business that you truly desire is up to you. In this powerful episode, learn how creating Islands of Sanity empower your objectives and make a difference for others. See how you can use this unique framework in relationships, business, and life.

Episode 2

Creating Transformational Community

What's possible for you and your business is dramatically impacted by the people you have around you and the quality of those relationships. In this episode, learn the power of Transformational Community and how to build this empowering context in your life & business.

Episode 3

Intentional Energetic Presence

Join author, entrepreneur, and thought leader Anese Cavanaugh for a journey through our Intentional Energetic Presence, and discover how you can be responsible & intentional with the impact you make in all aspects of your life & business. Get a simple process to access your power & intention to make an immediate difference in the moment.

Episode 4

Being Your Authentic Self

Join coach, author & poet Nick LeForce as we explore Authenticity in a brand new way. Discover how language impacts our opportunity for authenticity, and a powerful framework for expanding Authenticity in life. And enjoy the beautiful spoken word from a Master Poet.

Episode 5

Work As a Spiritual Journey

Do you experience a wall between your work and your spiritual practice? What if you could remove that wall and experience the growth of your soul even as you are taking the actions to grow your business? Join us for this lively conversation and to discover 5 simple ways to bring more Inspiration into your work life right now.

Episode 6

From Victim to The Power Triangle

Ever feel like you are "out of control" in life or relationships? Do you have just too much "drama" in your world? Explore this powerful tool to re-frame your experience from one of powerlessness to powerful creator, no matter the situation.

Episode 7

Your Creativity & the Design Process

Join entrepreneur & thought-leader Tracy DeLuca as we look at how the Design Process can expand your access to your Creativity, and unique applications for design thinking. If you have ever thought "I'm not creative," this podcast is made for you!

Episode 8

Mindset Multiplier

Join entrepreneur & thought-leader Robin Graham on a journey to our unconscious mind. Discover how breakthroughs in mindset science can bring alignment to your desired outcomes and the subconscious beliefs necessary to take appropriate actions. See what's possible with a true Mindset Multiplier.

Episode 9

Distinguishing Being and Doing

How do you choose to BE as you DO what you must? Learn in this episode the power you have in your BEING and how this can support your DOING.

Episode 10

The Hero’s Journey: Becoming the Leader You Want to Be

The Hero's Journey is a powerful framework for viewing life - discover how this can be applied to your leadership development.

Episode 11

Being Less Stupid!

Discover the ways that our own common thinking has us make stupid decisions, and how you can Be Less Stupid!

Episode 12

The Power of Awe at Work

Awe is powerful! Join Candra Canning in this conversation about how to bring Awe into your culture & team - including some simple tools for ensuring you are making the most of the talent you have.